Polyacrylamide for Sand Washing Plant


Polyacrylamide is used in sand washing plants. Mud water in sand washing plants is a suspension liquid containing a certain amount of fine mud particles in water. The characteristics of mud depend on its composition and local geological conditions. Generally, the appearance of mud is earthy yellow and uniform. It is viscous and does not delaminate for a long time.
Sand washing plants usually choose anionic polyacrylamide for treatment. The appearance of anionic polyacrylamide is white particles. It is a water-soluble polymer. Because its molecular chain contains a certain number of polar genes, it can absorb suspended solids in water. Particles, bridge between particles or agglomerate particles to form large flocs through charge neutralization. Therefore, it can accelerate the settlement of particles in the suspension, and has obvious effects of accelerating solution clarification and promoting filtration.

How to use polyacrylamide
1. When polyacrylamide is used, it can be made into an aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.01%-0.05%, and it is better to use neutral water without salt impurities.
2. When the polyacrylamide dissolves, evenly sprinkle the anionic polyacrylamide product into the stirring water, and control the stirring speed at 100-300rpm. Appropriate heating (<60°C) can accelerate the dissolution.
3. Adjust the pH value of the liquid to be treated so that the anionic polyacrylamide product can fully play its role, and select the appropriate pH value and product dosage through experiments.
4. When adding the anionic polyacrylamide product solution, the mixing with the liquid to be treated should be accelerated. After the flocs appear, the stirring speed can be slowed down to facilitate the growth of the flocs and accelerate the settlement.



Precautions for the use of polyacrylamide
1. Melting temperature. Dissolution requires a certain temperature to speed up the dissolution rate. However, if the temperature is too high, the molecular chain of the polymer will be broken, thereby reducing the use effect. The more suitable melting temperature is 50°C-60°C.
2. Stirring conditions. Dissolution should avoid excessive shear force stirring, too strong stirring will break the molecular weight, thereby reducing the use effect. Low-speed paddles should be used for stirring, such as anchor type, frame type, multi-layer paddle type, etc. The stirring speed is about 60 rpm. High centrifugal pumps should be avoided during transportation, and piston pumps or diaphragm pumps are more suitable.
3. Evenly disperse the feeding. The key link of polyacrylamide dissolution is the uniform dispersion of feeding materials. After starting the mixer, use a mechanical vibrating sieve to feed materials (the mesh number of the sieve is 10 mesh), try to avoid the production of "big lumps" and "fish-eye-shaped" insoluble particles, so that the polyacrylamide can be fully dissolved, and the exert its effect.
4. Avoid contact with iron. In the dissolving stirring and conveying dosing system, plastic, enamel, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials can be used.

Polyacrylamide used in sand washing plants can be used alone or in combination with PAC in water treatment, but the stirring of the two must be carried out separately, and the user determines the amount of water and dosage for dilution according to their own conditions.